
Feasibility studies

A feasibility study (FS) is required for optimization of the project cost and quality, and achievement of a reasonable ratio between costs and risks when making project implementation decisions. The FS allows the following to be determined in detail: project objectives, possible marketing strategies, probable market share, facilities, location, use of existing raw materials, appropriate technologies and equipment, investment boundaries, sales income, and other parameters needed for making an investment decision. If the project appears not to be viable after…


Detailed engineering

Detailed Engineering is the final preparation stage for the construction of a new facility, or the upgrading or renovation of an existing one. Documentation, drawings and complete process specifications prepared during the detailed engineering stage are sent to the equipment suppliers and contractors who will perform construction and installation works, for execution of relevant contracts. How do we do this? We conduct detailed engineering simulations We prepare detailed drawings and process flow diagrams We prepare specifications for the equipment and…


Basic engineering

Basic engineering includes core engineering simulations and solutions that define the equipment configuration and parameters, Its layout in accordance with the volume and range of products. This stage is the basis for the rest of the project implementation stages, as all internal and external factors that have impact on the project overall are reviewed. The deliverables of basic engineering are the flowchart, layout, utility consumption and specifications for the equipment on the basis of which the project cost is determined.…



An industrial undertaking, or part of one, is not an everyday investment. Such a decision should be made in conditions of certainty regarding its feasibility and its justification. Pre-engineering is an ideal way for us to understand your needs and for you get familiar with our expertise as early as at the preliminary design study stage. This allows you to establish a long-term partnership with a company that will work as you need it to, and think the same way…

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Donec massa arcu, eleifend ac vestibulum nec

Sed id iaculis odio. Praesent quis scelerisque purus. Morbi dolor quam, porta vel consequat in, commodo sit amet massa. Fusce sagittis varius sagittis. Aenean eget dolor nibh. Pellentesque malesuada ultrices risus, sed dignissim nisl. Fusce at dui augue. Mauris leo ex, dictum eu eleifend nec, vestibulum ac felis. Suspendisse vehicula, tortor at tristique porttitor, libero arcu efficitur ex, vel maximus nisi nunc at lectus. Fusce non diam vestibulum, bibendum elit quis, tristique ligula. Vestibulum leo urna, pulvinar eu purus non,…